
This Is Why You Should Open & Empty A Highlighter – How Awesome!

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نشرت في 03 Nov 2019 / في منوعات

Make Your Own Custom Shirt Designs With A DIY Bleach Pen | Every year, the fashion world is driven by the same questions: What's in? What's out? What is the current trend? One thing that never goes out of style is the good ol' DIY spirit. Thanks to this handy trick and your choice in design, you can easily make every kind of custom shirt you want.

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1. DIY Bleach Pen

You'll Need:

- old highlighters
- T-shirt
- bleach
- printed-out design
- wax crayon
- pencil
- piece of cardboard
- construction paper

Here's How:

1.1 Open the highlighter, remove the tip and core color components, and wash out both in a bowl of water.

1.2 Fill another bowl with a little bleach and steep the highlighter tip and core. Then reassemble the highlighter.

1.3 Print out the design you want to use on a standard piece of paper and etch the back of the design with a wax crayon.

1.4 Decide where you want to position the design on the T-shirt and then use tape to hold the piece of paper in place. Then trace the design with a pencil.

Tip: Put a piece of cardboard inside the shirt for a better tracing.

1.5 Cut a hole that is roughly the same sign as the design in construction paper and put it on the shirt to serve as a protective cover.

1.6 Now trace the design with the DIY bleach pen.

Tip: Make a thin DIY bleach pen and a thick DIY bleach marker so that you can trace various widths.

And your personalized shirt is ready! You can also use this DIY craft to spruce up other kinds of materials besides T-shirts, and you can even experiment with free hand designs.

* * * * *

2. Bonus Video: Custom Iron-On Decal

You'll Need:

- different colored crayons
- T-shirt
- cheese grater
- piece of cardboard
- binder clips
- template with the design of your choice
- parchment paper
- iron
- bowl

Here's How:

2.1 Shred the crayons with a cheese grater situated over a bowl.

2.2 Place a piece of cardboard under the part of ​​the shirt where you want to add the design. Smooth out the shirt and secure it to the cardboard with binder clips, as seen in the video. 

2.3 Make a template for your shirt design. For example, you can print out a design on a piece of paper and cut it out.

2.4 Lay the template on the T-shirt and spread the crayon bits over it.

2.5 Put a sheet of parchment paper over the template and iron the design on the T-shirt.

2.6 Finally, remove the parchment paper, template, binder clip, and cardboard.

* * * * *

Why blend in when you can stand out? And that's exactly what you'll do with these awesome one-of-a-kind shirt designs! If you want to have more fun with colored wax, check out these 6 Fun & Colorful DIY Projects With Crayons: https://www.cleverly.me/6-crayon-projects

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