
D.I.Y - Liquid Highlighter - Spray | wilsondelrey

269,868 المشاهدات
نشرت في 03 Nov 2019 / في منوعات

This is a DIY liquid-spray-highlighter. This is SAFE for the face. This is amazing for those no-makeup natural look to have dewy soft skin. (don’t put on top of makeup). Thank you for watching my video. Subscribe!
- tea tree oil [or coconut oil]
- lose shimmering pigments [any brand]
- spray bottle [intended for OIL]
- serums for face [or aloe gel]
- essential fragrance oil [optional]
Watch my previous videos:
- recline in tension (short film) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXyDKoFP_OI
- diy jelly highlighter - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RplSPppm7Q
- natural makeup look (grwm - ft lil sis) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bCEVrzLXlY

Follow My Social Media(s):
- Instagram @wilsondelreyyy http://instagram.com/wilsondelreyyy
- snapchat- wilson000huynh

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